a B-Log from the minds @ theColourSpace




Congratulations to Assia Boundaoui for winning the 2020 Livingston Award for National Reporting!

PBS’s POV “The Feeling of Being Watched” shares her deeply personal story uncovering a two-decade FBI investigation and the corrosive…

Call Center Blues will premiere at SXSW!

Congrats to the entire team at Multitude Films on their premiere at SXSW! CALL CENTER BLUES, graded at theColourSpace, is a lyrical…

The Windsors Coming to CNN

The Royals are coming! CNN Original Series presents the true story of the Windsor dynasty, from King Edward to Queen Elizabeth, Princess…

Congratulations to the team behind ‘Little Chief’ on their official selection to the Sundance Film Festival.

Director: Erica TremblayProducer: Deidre Backs, Kasia Chmielinski Rachel Streater, and William TarrantEditor: Robert Grigsby WilsonD.P.: Dylan Brodieand Many More. Proudly…

Big Congratulations to the amazing team from ‘BETYE SAAR: TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS’ on their official selection to the 2020 Sundance Film Festival.

Director: Christine TurnerProducer: Erin WrightEditor: Mengfan WuCinematographer: Shana HaganMark Phillips & Anthony Nguyen. Proudly finished @ theColourSpace

The Feeling of Being Watched is airing on PBS this Monday 10/14.

Congrats Assia Boundaoui Jessica Devaney Rabab Haj Yahya and Multitude Films. Proudly finished at The ColourSpace. http://www.pbs.org/pov/watch/feelingofbeingwatched/

HLN true-crime doc series Forensic Files is rolling out 16 new half-hour episodes of the series in February 2020

Always great to work with the amazing team at Loyalkaspar. https://brief.promax.org/index.php/article/hln-to-revive-forensic-files-in-february CREDITSClient: CNNChief Marketing Officer: Allison GollustSenior Vice President: Rick…

History of color: 3

“Moses Harris’s color wheels show a “prismatic” range (left) of eighteen hues, based on the primaries red, blue, and yellow,…

What purple can tell us about life on other planets

From CNN Health‘s new series Colorscope, microbiologist Shiladitya DasSarma uses the color purple to theorize how organisms may thrive on other…

NY Colorist Meetup with Juan Salvo

theColourSpace’s Juan Salvo was invited to give a talk on the future of imagining at a NY Colorist Meetup. The…

History of Color: 2

To continue our history of color lesson… Ignaz Schiffermuller updated Newton’s color wheel in 1772, “but proposes a more equally…

Film Tone – Filmmaking Techniques for Directors

At theColourSpace we believe colour is vital, but your tone can change everything.  In this video, StudioBinder explains how a film’s tone…

History of Color: 1

“[An exciting look at] what are believed to be the first colored color wheels produced by Claude Boutet [in 1708]….

Unboxing the tech of the new Mac Pro

A solid breakdown of Apple’s new Mac Pro specs. Is this beast the right choice for you and your production?…

Who is the Apple XDR Monitor For?

theColourspace’s Juan Salvo is quoted in this No Film School review of Apple’s new XDR Monitor. Are you planning on getting one? Read more…

Colour is in the Eye of the Beholder

Research suggests that our gender, age and the language we speak can affect how we distinguish between colours and shades….

New trailer out for The Feeling of Being Watched.

THE FEELING OF BEING WATCHED opens theatrically in Chicago & LA

The Feeling of Being Watched, finished at theColourSpace, will screen theatrically in Chicago, Saturday June 8th – Monday June 10th…

#Computex2019 Press Conference live

Nvidia invited theColourSpace founder Juan Salvo to share with us how nvidia gpu helped him make movies with the highest…

Hobo Films’ Howard Bowler on new series The System

In this Q&A on Randi Altman’s postPerspective, Hobo films Howard Bowler discusses his new series, The System.  Graded at theColourSpace, and featuring a…


All LUTs are literally a table of numbers, representing input and output values. They are very dumb mechanisms, have no…

Color film was built for white people. Here’s what it did to dark skin.

Colour can make people feel seen, or not.  We use color to emphasis what matters… the way we represent skintones…

Movie Poster Expert Explains Color Schemes | Vanity Fair

James Verdesoto of Indika Entertainment Advertising explains to Vanity Fair how movie posters communicate to the desired audience through the…

How filmmakers manipulate our emotions using color

“It’s easier to make color look good, but harder to make it service the story.” – Roger Deakins

Pantone Color of the Year – 16-1546 Living Coral

Congratulations to Pantone Color of the Year: ‘Living Coral’ PANTONE 16-1546 We loved working with you. https://www.pantone.com/…/color-of-t…/color-of-the-year-2019

Depth Control – Bokeh’d

“What kind of person Bokehs a child?” 🤣

Active Measures in Theaters

A huge congratulations to the amazing team behind “Active Measures”, director Jack Bryan, producers Laura DuBois and Marley Clements. It’s…

Active Measures at Hot Docs

The 4 🌟 reviews for Active Measures keep pilling up! https://nowtoronto.com/movies/reviews/hot-docs-review-active-measures/?fbclid=IwAR1axiQEmnG_tU-0fskbk4TyVekIlD2ymf1IRQkmrsslUpHLVP0RvNpPbIM

The Feeling of Being Watched at Tribeca

Proud to have finished ‘The Feeling of Being Watched’ at theColourSpace. One of 17 to watch at Tribeca. Go watch,…

Sundance New Frontiers Lineup 2016

So proud and excited and thrilled to announce a project we’ve been working on will be part of Sundance’s New…

Film vs Digital

It’s an age old debate, since the invention of digital cameras filmmakers have been comparing them, and digital (or video)…

Watch awestruck people seeing color for the first time

Glasses to fix color blindness. Adding “pop” to the world. http://www.washingtonpost.com/…/watch-awestruck-people-see…/

Speed Sisters at Hot Docs

We’re super excited to announce that Speed Sisters will have its International Premiere at this year’s Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary…

The Dress: Explained

The internet blew up yesterday over a dress. We got a ton of questions about how it’s possible that two…

Can people’s expectations change whether a blind man can see?

We might be able to see without eyes. Listen to Batman – This American Life below. http://thisamericanlife.org/radio-archiv…/episode/544/batman

Monterey Media Acquires AFF Thriller ‘The Living’

‘The Living’ is coming to a screen near you.

Project Nerd – “The Living” Review

Huge congrats to the crew of ‘The Living’. This week they won the ‘Stubbornly Independent’ award at the Tallgrass Film…

New Thrilling Dramatic Film “The Living” Uses Blackmagc Cinema Camera

Read this article about some of the work we did on the feature DI of ‘The Living’ http://news.creativecow.net/story/875872

Small Post Houses

Check out these excerpts from the article in June’s Post Magazine about the future of Post Production, featuring theColourSpace. The…